Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Staying Tuned

Coming up on the 9:00 news:
"A Case of the Underwear Bandits: not only are they stealing panties . . . ."
Yep, I'm gonna need to know what's going on here.

Update (9:27 pm):
Well, four girls have $800 worth of new undies from Victoria's Secret. The big ". . ." was that the bandits used pepper spray to escape.

Still, I wonder what it's like to be an underwear bandit. Maybe it's like being Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, but with frilly underpinnings.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


All of the hippie cures and medical measures I'm taking to not feel tired have failed today, so this will have to be a short post. I think I'm seriously going to cook a petit diner and be in bed by 8:00. I've posted just a few pictures from the weekend for you. C'est l'automne en Tennessee!

Laura admires the crazy, confusing wonders of the Opryland Hotel.

Greg and I love faux-dog.

Why I'll never need to go to Greece (just kidding . . . I hope).

Friday, October 23, 2009

Silver Pears

My biggest news of late is that I started my own company called Silver Pear Tree. I mainly consult clients regarding their marketing strategies. I have two very steady long-term clients who are artists and have had a nice stream of one-time projects. I'm working on landing a third client next week. Fingers crossed.

I'm excited about how everything is going, especially when I consider that I haven't officially launched the business yet. So far, I've been getting clients through word-of-mouth or work I've done for other clients. I want to throw a party in the Spring to celebrate and get the word out even more.

Working for myself is challenging because sometimes it's lonely and hard to get motivated, but I love being in charge of my time and projects and being able to experiment without having to deal with the politics of corporate life. My clients are wonderful people and it's such a huge change from the law firm environment (that's not to say that my lawyers themselves weren't wonderful people -- I still love you).

I think my niche in Nashville will become being a consultant to singer/songwriters, which is not at all a direction that I planned to persue, but it works really well. You'll be shocked, but there aren't a lot of luxury products based out of Nashville. I know! When I started to think about it, though, art and entertainment is luxurious. It's a luxury for artists to be able to make money off of their passion, and it's a luxury for people to be able to go see them perform. Not surprisingly, much of what I learned in school applies directly to my clients and their fans.

I'm amazed when I hear my clients perform. I can write, but I certainly can't pull a tune out of thin air and put it to words. I don't know how they do it. So I leave the songwriting, singing and spoken-word art to them and try to spread their work to as much of the world as I can. It's nice to have finally found a way to support myself by doing something I enjoy and feel like I'm "doing good" by promoting art and Nashville culture.

Bit by bit, it's coming together. Last night, my parents and the dogs gave me pear-themed birthday presents to inspire me, and I was excited to put them on my desk to remind me that I really am working for myself. Eek! The cat left me a card, but he's away at the moment on another neighborhood quest, which I hope won't last as long as his last 3-month adventure.

So when you get a minute, check out Silver Pear Tree and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

As Promised

I'm a little out of practice with writing. Ugh! See? I don't even know where to begin again because it's been so long! I guess I should update everyone who still checks this blog (I know there are at least 4 of you) on the last 3 or 6 or 12 months, but I'll save that for later. I'll just fold in some catch-up information over the next few months.

I recently started reading all of my fashion and luxury blogs to keep up with the "industry." After Paris fashion week, that list is up to about 20 and then there are all the Twitterers . . . . Well, I felt like everyone had something to say, and I remembered that I used to have something to say and that I should probably start saying something again. So, I'll ease in with a shopping story.

Yesterday, I finally felt like a lady again when I did a tiny bit of unexpected shopping with Mary. I bought this dress for a mere $29.95 at Anthropologie for my birthday party on Saturday. It's called the Higher Ground Tunic. Higher Ground! That will be my theme for my 32nd year. So I'm planning to throw on some black tights and black patent leather heels -- et voila! a mini-dress. I say "throw on," but you all know that I tried the outfit on right after I got home and pranced around the apartment in it.

Next, we stopped in the Cosmetic Market, which I like to call the Cosmetic Farm, and they were having their once-a-year, wonderfully amazing 80% off sale. I'm now experimenting with a new face regime from Jurlique because how could I not? The products smell a little, well, different, but I'm hoping for some miracles. If they deliver what they promise, I'll be sure to let you know.

When we were crossing the street, we ran into Linda Roberts, who owns the Cosmetic Market. She stopped us to inspect our bags and tell us that we looked oh-so cute. Those friendly instances are the reasons I like being in Nashville. It's fun to meet people who are genuinely excited that you shopped in their stores (even if you got everything at a fraction of the retail price).

Okay, so I'm back. If you're reading, I'll say more. xxx

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall 2009

This is my promise to start writing again, assuming someone still reads this! More to come . . . .